Sha Na Na is a syndicated television variety series that ran from 1977 to 1981 for a total of 97 episodes[1], hosted by the popular rock & roll/comedy group of the same name. The show was produced by Pierre Cossette and originally distributed by LBS Communications. Sony Pictures Television currently owns the rights to the series. Donny York, Jocko Marcellino, and Screamin' Scott Simon of the TV group continue to tour as Sha Na Na.
The show featured the group performing hits from the 1950s and 1960s along with comedy skits along the show's nostalgic theme but with a contemporary twist, with performances from that era's well-known acts as well as popular acts of the adam sandlers song
Among the supporting members featured in the series were: Avery Schreiber, Kenneth Mars and Phillp Roth in the first season; Pamela Myers and actress Jane Dulo (she played the crabby Lady in the Window, who watched over the street scenes from the window of her apartment with undisguised disdain) (Both throughout the show's run), June Gable and Soupy Sales (Seasons 2 to 4); Michael Sklar (Season 2); and Karen Hartman (Season 4).
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During the shows' opening after the cast and guests are mentioned Myers kicks off the show by saying "And now, here they are, all greased up and ready to sing their brains out, Sha Na Na!" while Jon "Bowzer" Bauman would close out each show by saying "Good night, and grease for peace!" with Sha Na Na singing "Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight" as their closing theme song.
Actor Will Smith took a swipe at this series in his 1988 rap hit "Parents Just Don't Understand." Disappointed with his mother's choices for back-to-school clothing, Smith remarked, "This isn't Sha Na Na, come on Mom, I'm not Bowzer"[2]